¡Mucha Lucha! Wiki
Uno... Dos... Tres!
— Sr Midcarda's Catchphrase

Sr. Midcarda, is a strict physical education teacher at the Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha. He also serves as a coach and often a referee during a match with masked wrestler students at the School of Lucha.

He is voiced by Carlos Alazraqui, who also voices Rikochet and Masked Dog in the first 2 seasons and "The Return of El Maléfico" movie. In the third season, he was voiced by Jason Marsden.


"Sr. Midcarda was always one shot short of fame. And he's a little bitter. He's always wanted to grab that brass wrestling ring and shake it - just once. But fate and timing always seemed to be against him. He was good. He was very good. But circumstances beyond his control have always prevented him from winning the big match or taking that one important mask from an opponent. Someday, maybe someday he'll get his chance. He refuses to give up even though he's a little past his prime."


Sr. Midcarda is an overweight, top-heavy male with light skin and hairy arms and chest. His mask is mostly hot pink and has blue eye pieces with gray outlines. He currently wears a white tank top, black tracksuit bottoms with white stripes, white sneakers, and a whistle around his neck.

As revealed in one of the slides he presented in French Twisted, he was much slimmer and more muscular in his younger days. He wore a sleeveless hot pink and blue costume with tall, hot pink boots that had gray edges and black laces.

in “Field of Screams” when he is unmasked by Mysterioso Grande, it is revealed that he has short, brown hair with long sideburns on each side of his face


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Signature Moves[]

  • The Whistle Blast[1]
  • School Bus of Tardiness: Sr. Midcarda, Sr. Hasbeena, and Headmistress fused themselves by transforming into a school bus. They fly towards El Maléfico, but they were crashed, in which unfortunately transforms them back to themselves and being stuck in a rectangular position as the magnetic crane lifts them up.[2]


  • In wrestling, his name comes from the word "Mid-Card" meaning that wrestlers who do not have the exact high or low strength for the main event, but in the middle of the match card, when a wrestler is strengthen during the match.
  • His name also comes from the word "Midcarder" meaning wrestlers who are in the middle of the card, but with less money and less chance of becoming famous.


Click here to view the gallery for Sr. Midcarda.
Click here to visit Sr. Midcarda's Gallery!


ve Characters
The Three Mascaritas
RikochetBuena GirlThe Flea
The Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha Students
Botas Del FuegoCaballero de AceroCindy SlamCoco DementoDouble Ninja NinjaDragonflyEl GundamoEl Haystack GrandeEl Loco MosquitoEl Oscuro InvasorEl PacificoEl PerritoElectricityEnsalada De FrutasFrancisco of the ForestFrench TwistLa FlamencitaLa MuñecaLa PiñataMariposaMegawattMinotoroPenny PlutoniumPierre Del FuegoPotato Patata Jr.Private ReinhardtProtozoaSnow PeaSonic SumoTibor the TerribleTic Tac ToeZebrita TwinsZero Kelvin
School Faculties
El CustodioEl Dolor De KurtzEl FundadorHeadmistressSr. HasbeenaSr. Midcarda
Supporting Characters
AbuelitoLonestarMama ManiacaMasked DogEl ReyMr. FleaMrs. FleaPulgitaBuena DadBuena Mom
Hairy Knuckles Wrestling Academy Students
Carlton Cold JonesPrimadonna HodgesHeavy TrafficHam Hands
Big DogBlue Demon Jr.Captain AhabEl AbarrateroEl Evil Cheese GrandeEl Evil Dentista of DoomEl FantasmoEl GuapoEl MaléficoEl ParedEl PorcinoEl Silver Mask Jr.El Toro AmarilloFrancisco of the Forest's FatherFrench Twist's FatherHeavyweightHijo GitanoHot Chocolate and MarshmallowHula HattieIglocaKid UpandcomingKid Wombat Jr.Lady LegumeLi'l Bling BlingLos Justice EnforcersLos Rudos ImpeludoLos SerpentineMaya ModernaPerro SalvajePotato Patata Sr.RatmanRey DinamicoRick O' SheaRudo ClausSanto ClausShoeshine ManSr. StinkyThe Real El ReyViking Jim
Comic-Exclusive Characters
Ultimo BandidoRicky RuletaGo-Get-Em' GirlsTabúEl Demonio RojoSuper AsnoHector Morales GarciaManifestoAtlantisEmojitoProfessor Jimmy Edwards