Potato Patata Jr. is a potato-themed masked wrestler who attends the Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha. He is one of the heavyweights and a rudo wrestler. He is often Rikochet's rival and opponent during a match.
Potato Patata Jr. is a heavyweight wrestler with brown skin. His mask is mostly pale blue, with red eye pieces that have blue outlines, purple eyebrow-like pieces, two blue lines above his nose, and a blue and purple border around his mouth. He wears a purple costume. The top half of his costume and the portions covering his legs are lavender, while his briefs, wristbands, and shoes are a darker purple.
In "Field of Screams", when he was unmasked by Mysterioso Grande, Potato Patata Jr. is revealed to have a brown buzz cut.
In "Back to School" and "Weight Gaining", Potato Patata Jr. acts like a bully to Rikochet, but in other episodes, his jerky behavior has mostly toned down. He has shown a willingness to accept defeat, as in "Getting Ahead", he gladly offered to trade prizes with Rikochet, who defeated him in their match.
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Potato Patata Jr. starts off in the series as a bully to Rikochet, mostly in "Back to School" and to a lesser extent in "Weight Gaining". As the series progressed, he has become less antagonistic since his debut episode, though he is still portrayed as a rival to Rikochet in some episodes. In "Asphalt of Doom", he and The Flea were even shown working together to prevent the students of The Hairy Knuckles Academy from cheating their way to victory in the race.
Signature Moves[]
- 1 Potato, 2 Potato, 3 Potato, 4: Potato Patata Jr. counts each type of potato from one to four. (first and second count are baked potato and 3 is mashed potato) When he finished the first three, he shouts "4" as he shapeshifts himself into a box of french fries with one eye. In the first attempt, both of their signature moves collided, which sends them flying to the corner of each side.[1] When he used it for the second time, he was rammed by Rikochet's pinball.[2]
- Curly Fries of Power: Similar to 1 Potato, 2 Potato, 3 Potato, 4, he transforms into a box of curly fries with one eye and flies toward French Twist as he talks continuously before summoning his signature moves.[3]
- Spudnick: He leaps up high in the sky, eventually reaching to space and becomes a potato/satellite hybrid and falls to Earth, in which he falls to French Twist as he talks about another signature moves.[3]
- Done Til' Hashbrowns: He flies towards French Twist as he turns into hashbrowns, but French Twist uses an invisible wall to block him and slams into the wall.[3]
- Popping Whacker of Truth with Rikochet, Buena Girl, The Flea, Ensalada De Frutas, Penny Plutonium, Minotoro, French Twist, Private Reinhardt, El Haystack Grande, El Perrito, Tibor the Terrible, and Megawatt[4]
- Potato Stack Attack with El Haystack Grande [5]
- His design is compared to The Headhunters, the professional tag team wrestlers and Brazo de Plata. They both are heavyweight wrestlers, but Brazo de Plata is associated more with exaggerate tonnage.
- He was originally named “Patata Suicida Jr.” in the Lucha School pilot.
- His original name was named after a signature move from Lucha Libre known as "Tope Suicida".
- He appeared in both games as an enemy, Mascaritas of the Lost Code and Masks of Legend.
- His main signature move “1 Potato, 2 Potato, 3 Potato, 4” was written after the line “1 Banana, 2 Banana, 3 Banana, 4” from The Banana Splits.
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