¡Mucha Lucha! Wiki
Rikochet, you cannot find anything in your room because it looks like a P... I... G... Pig is living in there.
— Mama Maniaca

"Pig Out" is the second segment of the 3rd episode in the second season of ¡Mucha Lucha!. It aired on September 27, 2003, on Kids' WB, and on July 23, 2004, on Cartoon Network.


Rikochet's Mama insists he cleans up a room - it's so dirty a pig could live in there! In the process of cleaning, Rikochet finds out it's true - a pig does live in there! Rikochet must wrestle the pig and his little pork chops to defend his territory.[2]


Rikochet asks his mom where all his stuff is. She asks if he's cleaned his room. Rikochet lies and says he's cleaned it, but now she wants to see it. Rikochet stalls, but now his mom will take away his El Rey video game unless it's clean. But it's so overflowing with junk is flies out everywhere.

Rikochet finds many things that he lost by cleaning, including The Flea, who loves Rikochet's room and will hate to see all the junk go away. But now Rikochet wants to clean, though he almost vacuums El Rey. He cleans it, sparkly. Then he finds a closet he never noticed before. He finds it to be a mess, and can't wait to clean it up. Earlier, his mom and El Rey said that his room looked like a pig was living in it.

The pig-typed luchador, El Porcino, comes out. Rikochet tells him to go away, but he says it's his room, and Rikochet says it's his. El Porcino breaks into tears and agrees to go, but then introduces his family who lives in Rikochet's room too and mess up what he just cleaned. So, he challenges El Porcino to a lucha match. He attacks with the Salami Slout and the Piggy Bank Shot, and then the kids attack with Punishing Porkchops. El Rey wants to help, but falls to pieces. This pushes Rikochet too far, and he must win now. El Porcino uses his Hamhock of Horror on Rikochet, but he counters with The Hero Sandwich and defeats him.

Now the pigs move out, and Rikochet cleans him room, and finds out that his mom has been playing El Rey Super Lucha Destroyer 3004 and now challenges his mom to a game. Meanwhile, the pigs decided to move in with The Flea, who will let the pigs stay, on one condition - they mess the room up.



Click here to view the script.


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  • Rikochet's pupils and eyelids move to a different position when it's not animated.
  • On the doorknob reflect, it shows Rikochet smiling in front of Mama, but the next scene shows him scared and going back to the reflection before he opens his bedroom.
  • Before Rikochet turns on the vacuum, El Rey was inside the plane. However, he actually appeared under his bed.
  • The El Papi Corriendo trophy had a smiling face before Rikochet puts it in the shelf without a smiling face. Later, it was reverted back to a smiling face when he faces El Porcino.




ve Episode Guide
Lucha School
Season 1
Back to SchoolWeight GainingHow Rikochet Got His Move BackHeart of LuchaWoulda Coulda HasbeenaThe Anger of Cindy SlamThe Fantastic BackpackThe Naked and the MaskedCurse of the Masked ToiletThe Mummy with the Golden MaskBring Your Dad to Lucha DayOur FounderTooth or DareMask MitzvahThe Flea's Fighting FishLa FlamencitaWill the Real El Rey Please Stand Up?The Musica ManPinball WizardNot So Buena GirlHonor Thy LuchaChincheTimmy of a Thousand MasksAll Creatures Masked and SmallMask-Away
Season 2
The Man from M.A.S.K.Flea's Bueno TwinNightmare on Lucha StreetRevenge of the Masked ToiletCalling All MonstersPig OutLone StarsThe Littlest LuchadoraThrills and SkillsParty AnimalDances with BugsChain of FoolsYou Look RadishingLucha, Rinse, and RepeatFrench TwistedLos Lobos de LuchaWar of the DonutsShow Me the FunnyGetting AheadLos FabulososMeet the MuertosMask MakerBig Buena SelloutLaying in RuinsUndercover FleaKid WombatChurro OverloadMini Mercado of DoomLa BrujaEl Niño LocoThe CollectorThe Brat in the HatElection DazeLate Night LuchaFlea at LastFlea's Personal DemonsVirtual LuchadoresDay of the PiñataPoocha LuchaRun, Lucha, RunAn Epic Tale of Donuts and HeroesAttack of the Luchabots!I Was a Pre-Teenage ChupacabraCarnival of Masked TerrorMy Hairy KnucklesBrains Meets BrawnAsphalt of DoomHot, Hot, HotGetting His Goat10 Rounds of Trouble
Season 3
Buena BasuraShamrock 'n RollThe Spider and the FleaThe Incredible Penny PlutoniumDare to LuchaMonkey BusinessDawn of the... DonutsYo Ho Ho and a Bottle of HorchataBanditos de los MuertosField of ScreamsMedico MayhemBig WormSlamazon and OnBuena on WheelsA Whole Lotta El ReysDoomienThe Match Before XmasCall of the MildSmarticusNiko Sushi's Happy Battle Funtime Dome 3000!Mars MadnessFears of a ClownThe Magnificent Three
Direct-to-Video Movie
The Return of El Maléfico