¡Mucha Lucha! Wiki
Mi jovencito always wears clean tights!
— Mama Maniaca's Catchphrase

Mama Maniaca is the mother of Rikochet and the wife of Lonestar. Though she is occupied with her responsibilities as a housewife and stay-at-home-mom, she still wrestles occasionally.

She is voiced by Candi Milo, who also voices The Flea and Headmistress.


"Mama Maniaca was a famous Masked Wrestler, just another in a long familial line of heroic figures who always fought fairly and won by skill, hard work, and talent. Mama doesn't want to push Rikochet into Masked Wrestling. She wants him to come to it naturally, and he does. Rikochet wants to be great. Mama is always very encouraging of little Rikochet's ambitions to one day be a great Masked Wrestler. She teaches him that there's nothing that hard work and diligence can't accomplish. Mama's tough. She's got attitude. She doesn't suffer fools too gladly. She teaches through example. And she really, really, really loves her boy."


Mama Maniaca is a curvy woman with dark skin and brown curly hair. She has long black eyelashes and appears to wear dark red lipstick. Her mask is mostly blue with white details. Above her eyes are three curved marks that act as eyebrows. Attached to her mask is a red and black bow. Her casual outfit is an off-white blouse with a red v-neck collar and cuffs, blue jeans, red high heels, and a black necklace.

The episode "Laying in Ruins" reveals that her wrestling outfit is a black tank top with a gray star in the center, red briefs with a white waistband, red wristbands, tall white boots with black laces and red edges, and a blue cape with a purple underside.

During a flashback in "Los Fabulosos", her outfit was similar to her current casual outfit, but with a different color scheme. Her mask was red with blue details, while the attached bow remained the same. She wore a black blouse with red pants and black high heels. Around her neck was a shiny yellow LL4E necklace, which she lost when Big Dipper and Little Dipper fell on her.


Mama Maniaca is a loving mother to Rikochet and wife to Lonestar. Though her responsibilities as a housewife and mother keep her busy, she is there for her family. Besides her family, her kitchen is also quite important to her, getting upset when it becomes messy.


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Signature Moves[]

  • The Sack Lunch[1]
  • Cooking Mitt of Malice[2]
  • Sit and Slip[2]
  • Flipping Flapjack of Fury[2]
  • Rolling Pin of Flaky Pastry[3]
  • Photograph Album of Familia with Lonestar[3]



  • When ¡Mucha Lucha! was still in development, there was originally an idea for a rivalry between her and The Headmistress as Ex-Tag Partners, but it wasn't explored in the final version of the show.


Click here to view the gallery for Mama Maniaca.
Click here to visit Mama Maniaca's Gallery!


ve Characters
The Three Mascaritas
RikochetBuena GirlThe Flea
The Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha Students
Botas Del FuegoCaballero de AceroCindy SlamCoco DementoDouble Ninja NinjaDragonflyEl GundamoEl Haystack GrandeEl Loco MosquitoEl Oscuro InvasorEl PacificoEl PerritoElectricityEnsalada De FrutasFrancisco of the ForestFrench TwistLa FlamencitaLa MuñecaLa PiñataMariposaMegawattMinotoroPenny PlutoniumPierre Del FuegoPotato Patata Jr.Private ReinhardtProtozoaSnow PeaSonic SumoTibor the TerribleTic Tac ToeZebrita TwinsZero Kelvin
School Faculties
El CustodioEl Dolor De KurtzEl FundadorHeadmistressSr. HasbeenaSr. Midcarda
Supporting Characters
AbuelitoLonestarMama ManiacaMasked DogEl ReyMr. FleaMrs. FleaPulgitaBuena DadBuena Mom
Hairy Knuckles Wrestling Academy Students
Carlton Cold JonesPrimadonna HodgesHeavy TrafficHam Hands
Big DogBlue Demon Jr.Captain AhabEl AbarrateroEl Evil Cheese GrandeEl Evil Dentista of DoomEl FantasmoEl GuapoEl MaléficoEl ParedEl PorcinoEl Silver Mask Jr.El Toro AmarilloFrancisco of the Forest's FatherFrench Twist's FatherHeavyweightHijo GitanoHot Chocolate and MarshmallowHula HattieIglocaKid UpandcomingKid Wombat Jr.Lady LegumeLi'l Bling BlingLos Justice EnforcersLos Rudos ImpeludoLos SerpentineMaya ModernaPerro SalvajePotato Patata Sr.RatmanRey DinamicoRick O' SheaRudo ClausSanto ClausShoeshine ManSr. StinkyThe Real El ReyViking Jim
Comic-Exclusive Characters
Ultimo BandidoRicky RuletaGo-Get-Em' GirlsTabúEl Demonio RojoSuper AsnoHector Morales GarciaManifestoAtlantisEmojitoProfessor Jimmy Edwards