Li'l Bling Bling is a heavy-weighted masked wrestler who was about to wrestle Rikochet. He only appeared briefly in "Flea at Last".
Li'l Bling Bling has a brown skin with white eyes and black pupils. He wears blue mask with green spots around his eyes and mouth, and a short, red bandanna on top of his mask. He wears a shirt that has a white font of his name and yellow armband. He also wears saggy, blue jeans and white shoes.
"Flea at Last"[]
After The Flea apologizes to Rikochet for winning the match, he tells him that since he won the match, he has to wrestle Li'l Bling Bling now. As he prepares for the match, he lifts the heaviest barbells angrily. Then, Rikochet was still injured from earlier and fell as he fearfully saw him.
- According to his character model sheet, he was formally named as "Boo Yah".