¡Mucha Lucha! Wiki
A true luchador knows that the price you pay for stealing is much higher than the price you pay for. Uh..., just paying!
— Rikochet

"Honor Thy Lucha" is the first segment of the 10th episode in the first season of ¡Mucha Lucha!. It aired on December 14, 2002, on Kids' WB and on May 10, 2004, on Cartoon Network.


Rikochet is tempted to pilfer a special El Rey trading card from Minotoro's excessive collection. Unfortunately, the card comes home with Rikochet, thanks to El Rey's quick hands, and Rikochet must truly decide where his honor lies. He falters long enough to earn a visit from the Ghost of Honor, Family and Tradition. In a little trip through the consequences of his actions, Rikochet finds out that doing the right thing even for the small stuff is very, very big.


Rikochet is playing with Minotoro's El Rey toys. He's got like every toy ever made. Minotoro's mom has another present for him, so she calls him down, and he tells Rikochet about his trading card collection. Rikochet goes to check it out. He sees the Golden El Rey trading card, the rarest Lucha card ever - only 13 exist. Rikochet wants to steal it, but Buena Girl's shoulder angel and The Flea's shoulder devil argue over whether or not he should take it. But El Rey takes it as Rikochet goes home.

At Rikochet's house, El Rey thinks Rikochet is nuts for not taking the card. Rikochet wants to give it back to Minotoro, but then changes his mind and decides to keep it. That night, Rikochet has a dream where he is confronted by a Lucha ghost who says that Rikochet will suffer the consequences for stealing the card.

The ghost reveals that he is El Fantasmo, the Ghost of Honor, Family, and Tradition (the Ghost of Donuts is over there). He says he will show Rikochet what's happening now that he stole the card.

He takes him to a court, where his mom is defending him because she doesn't think he took the card. But the judge finds him guilty and destroys their house. El Fantasmo is showing Rikochet a freak show where Buena Girl risks her mask to a panda bear. This is because taking the card dishonored the Code of Masked Wrestling and Buena Girl suffered. The Flea's devil asks what happened to his owner. The Flea has actually become richer because he starred in music videos. Snow Pea is encased in concrete, but not because of the card, just for fun.

Rikochet wants to know what will happen to him. El Fantasmo says he will be living in a cave, he will have lost everything except the card. But then the card turns him into a card. Then he wakes up. It was only a dream, so Rikochet had to get the card back to Minotoro. Snow Pea trips over Rikochet and falls into wet cement, explaining the concrete thing. Rikochet returns the card, but Minotoro lets him keep it anyway because he has the complete set already. El Fantasmo heads off to stop The Flea from melting the polar ice caps.



Click here to view the script.


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  • The title of the episode is a reference to a book, Honor Thy Father.
  • This episode and the storyline were adapted into a book as "Trading Card Trouble".
  • This is the first episode to be simulcast in Spanish.[1]
  • This is the only episode where any members of The Three Mascaritas doesn't pop out or appear in their body by smiling. Instead, Rikochet states "A true luchador..." with a frown expression due to regretting having to steal a rare trading card.
  • The Real El Rey appears in a rare trading card.
  • El Toro Amarillo appears in a poster in Minotoro's bedroom.
  • The Lucha Libre flag from "Our Founder" is seen in the back of the El Rey trading card without the large font.
  • El Fantasmo is revealed to be a ghost of honor, family, and tradition.
  • El Fantasmo shows various future consequences for Rikochet, if he doesn't return the trading card to Minotoro:
    • The Masked Judge pleads him and his family guilty. As a result, Rikochet's House is destroyed by a giant wrecking ball, while Mama cries.
    • Lucha Libre turns into a freak show.
    • Buena Girl wrestles a giant panda, risks herself, and gets beaten by it.
    • The Flea is rich and famous since he had a record deal with a few award-winning music videos that led to star in telenovelas.
    • Before Rikochet desperately grabs the trading card, the giant card falls on him and he is turn into a double-sided trading card.
  • When Rikochet tries to grab the trading card, he says, "Mi favorito!", which alludes to "My precious!" line in The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  • The sharp music from "Curse of the Masked Toilet" is heard when the wrestling ring forms around Rikochet and the giant El Rey trading card.
  • In Rikochet's dream, Snow Pea's lower body is covered in concrete, but it actually happened when he bumps into a wet cement board with construction barrier and cones.
  • Minotoro has twelve copies of the rare, golden, El Rey trading cards.
  • This is the first episode where The Code of Masked Wrestling doesn't appear.


  • When Angel Buena Girl finishes speaking and giving him advice, his mouth disappears.
    • His mouth disappears again when The Flea finishes speaking before Rikochet tries to steal the El Rey trading card.
  • Rikochet puts El Rey in his backpack, and the eye of El Rey from the backpack was red instead of white.
  • Rikochet was in his outfit when he ran to Minotoro's house, but when he is in Minotoro's bedroom, he is back on his pajamas.


ve Episode Guide
Lucha School
Season 1
Back to SchoolWeight GainingHow Rikochet Got His Move BackHeart of LuchaWoulda Coulda HasbeenaThe Anger of Cindy SlamThe Fantastic BackpackThe Naked and the MaskedCurse of the Masked ToiletThe Mummy with the Golden MaskBring Your Dad to Lucha DayOur FounderTooth or DareMask MitzvahThe Flea's Fighting FishLa FlamencitaWill the Real El Rey Please Stand Up?The Musica ManPinball WizardNot So Buena GirlHonor Thy LuchaChincheTimmy of a Thousand MasksAll Creatures Masked and SmallMask-Away
Season 2
The Man from M.A.S.K.Flea's Bueno TwinNightmare on Lucha StreetRevenge of the Masked ToiletCalling All MonstersPig OutLone StarsThe Littlest LuchadoraThrills and SkillsParty AnimalDances with BugsChain of FoolsYou Look RadishingLucha, Rinse, and RepeatFrench TwistedLos Lobos de LuchaWar of the DonutsShow Me the FunnyGetting AheadLos FabulososMeet the MuertosMask MakerBig Buena SelloutLaying in RuinsUndercover FleaKid WombatChurro OverloadMini Mercado of DoomLa BrujaEl Niño LocoThe CollectorThe Brat in the HatElection DazeLate Night LuchaFlea at LastFlea's Personal DemonsVirtual LuchadoresDay of the PiñataPoocha LuchaRun, Lucha, RunAn Epic Tale of Donuts and HeroesAttack of the Luchabots!I Was a Pre-Teenage ChupacabraCarnival of Masked TerrorMy Hairy KnucklesBrains Meets BrawnAsphalt of DoomHot, Hot, HotGetting His Goat10 Rounds of Trouble
Season 3
Buena BasuraShamrock 'n RollThe Spider and the FleaThe Incredible Penny PlutoniumDare to LuchaMonkey BusinessDawn of the... DonutsYo Ho Ho and a Bottle of HorchataBanditos de los MuertosField of ScreamsMedico MayhemBig WormSlamazon and OnBuena on WheelsA Whole Lotta El ReysDoomienThe Match Before XmasCall of the MildSmarticusNiko Sushi's Happy Battle Funtime Dome 3000!Mars MadnessFears of a ClownThe Magnificent Three
Direct-to-Video Movie
The Return of El Maléfico