¡Mucha Lucha! Wiki

El Porcino is a pig-themed luchador who makes lots of messes with his family. He is an antagonist of the episode, "Pig Out".


El Porcino is a big, fat, and obese pig-like masked wrestler who has a pale, peach skin with a short, messy mustache and wears a pink pig-like mask with a magenta circular shape around his eyes, a pig-like nose and short ears on top of his mask. He also has a short, hairy chest and wears a light-pink bracelet. He also wears large, light-pink tights that connect to his white long pants with a pink wrestling symbol and light-pink boots.


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"Pig Out"[]

After Rikochet cleans his entire room, he checks in his closet filled with messy piles of toys and clothes and finds him living in the closet. He comes out of his closet, introduces himself and knows that he has been living in his closet longer than Rikochet has. Rikochet tells him to leave because it does not belong to his property, but if he leaves he would have to tell his children. Then, his family comes out of his closet to create an utter, chaotic mess in his room from throwing stuff to breaking some of his stuff.

Rikochet had enough of his family's mess in his room, so he challenged El Porcino to get his room back. As he mocks him, he uses "The Salami Slam" to slam him, so Rikochet was slammed and got dizzy from his move. Next, he uses "Piggy Bank Shot" to throw him around the room like a pinball. As he was going to defeat Rikochet, his children also participates and uses "Punishing Porkchops" to hit him.

Meanwhile, Rikochet plans to defeat him by using one of his signature moves, but before he can do it, El Porcino uses "The Ham Hog of Horror" to slam him. However, he counters him by using "Hero Sandwich" to pin him. Rikochet won the match, so he and his family would move out and live in a new house where they can make an utter mess. They moved to The Flea's house in his room, where they can finally have the freedom to make the room as messy as possible.


Signature Moves[]

  • The Salami Slam
  • Piggy Bank Shot
  • Ham Hog of Horror


  • He is inspired by the mexican wrestler, Brazo de Plata (aka Super Porky in WWE).
  • He was also originally going to be a guest star voiced by Brazo de Plata, but he wasn't available to voice himself for the episode.


Click here to view the gallery for El Porcino.
Click here to visit El Porcino's Gallery!

ve Characters
The Three Mascaritas
RikochetBuena GirlThe Flea
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