¡Mucha Lucha! Wiki

El Maléfico is an evil demonic luchador, and the lord of Nether Nether Land. He has been imprisoned in the bowels of the Earth for 70,000 years, only to be accidently released by reading the sentence of The Code of Masked Wrestling backwards during Rikochet's Caliente Fiesta Party. He is the main antagonist of the Direct-to-Video Movie, "The Return of El Maléfico".


El Maléfico is a tall and muscular demonic masked wrestler who has an apricot skin. He has a white eyes and black pupils, but when he is enraged or evil, his eyes turn yellow with black pupils and red iris. He also has a short, black mustache, short goatee beard, and a large spiky chest hair. He wears a red mask with four horns, a sharp, symmetric purple crown with a gray lightening and a green circle in the middle of the crown. He also has a mix of purple and black inky cape with fire releasing at the end of the cape, a large black wristband with grey spikes. He also wears black outfit with a red belt that has a grey silver plate with a purple symbol and red boots with black laces.


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  • Evil Spell: He can take control of any fighter's mind with his crystal sphere, using it to hypnotize the flea and other fighters.

Signature Moves[]

  • Roulette Wheel of Evil: El Maléfico uses his cape to shapeshift himself into a roulette table with light green flames around it. As the wheelhead spins around his head, Rikochet's Pulverizing Pinball lands on the wheels and bounces until he falls off the wheel.[1]
  • Playing Card of Peril: His body turns into a big "K" card with spades on the corner. The card has two of his face on top and bottom with swords reaching out of his hands and out of card. The card flies over to Buena Girl and launches her, in which she was slammed into the clock.[1]
  • Giant Dice of Destruction: El Maléfico turns himself into a giant flaming dice with several other flaming dices. He throws several giant flaming dices and falls through the ring as The Flea runs from the falling dices. Two giant dices with one skull in each dice eventually falls on him.[1]
  • Evil Spell: He can take control of any fighter's mind with his crystal sphere, using it to hypnotize the flea and other fighters.


  • His red mask and black cape clearly resemble those of El Satánico, as does his name.
  • El Maléfico is one of the most evil and powerful masked wrestlers in the ¡Mucha Lucha! franchise.
  • At the end of the movie, Rikochet reveals that his identity was none other than that of Jenny Perkins, even though she only appeared in the beginning and the end of the movie.


Click here to view the gallery for El Maléfico.
Click here to visit El Maléfico's Gallery!


ve Characters
The Three Mascaritas
RikochetBuena GirlThe Flea
The Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha Students
Botas Del FuegoCaballero de AceroCindy SlamCoco DementoDouble Ninja NinjaDragonflyEl GundamoEl Haystack GrandeEl Loco MosquitoEl Oscuro InvasorEl PacificoEl PerritoElectricityEnsalada De FrutasFrancisco of the ForestFrench TwistLa FlamencitaLa MuñecaLa PiñataMariposaMegawattMinotoroPenny PlutoniumPierre Del FuegoPotato Patata Jr.Private ReinhardtProtozoaSnow PeaSonic SumoTibor the TerribleTic Tac ToeZebrita TwinsZero Kelvin
School Faculties
El CustodioEl Dolor De KurtzEl FundadorHeadmistressSr. HasbeenaSr. Midcarda
Supporting Characters
AbuelitoLonestarMama ManiacaMasked DogEl ReyMr. FleaMrs. FleaPulgitaBuena DadBuena Mom
Hairy Knuckles Wrestling Academy Students
Carlton Cold JonesPrimadonna HodgesHeavy TrafficHam Hands
Big DogBlue Demon Jr.Captain AhabEl AbarrateroEl Evil Cheese GrandeEl Evil Dentista of DoomEl FantasmoEl GuapoEl MaléficoEl ParedEl PorcinoEl Silver Mask Jr.El Toro AmarilloFrancisco of the Forest's FatherFrench Twist's FatherHeavyweightHijo GitanoHot Chocolate and MarshmallowHula HattieIglocaKid UpandcomingKid Wombat Jr.Lady LegumeLi'l Bling BlingLos Justice EnforcersLos Rudos ImpeludoLos SerpentineMaya ModernaPerro SalvajePotato Patata Sr.RatmanRey DinamicoRick O' SheaRudo ClausSanto ClausShoeshine ManSr. StinkyThe Real El ReyViking Jim
Comic-Exclusive Characters
Ultimo BandidoRicky RuletaGo-Get-Em' GirlsTabúEl Demonio RojoSuper AsnoHector Morales GarciaManifestoAtlantisEmojitoProfessor Jimmy Edwards