El Abarratero is Bag Boy's grandfather who used to be a wrestler. He was Abuelito's challenger until his real mask was taken off by him and he lost the match. He currently works at Mini Mercado with his son and retrieved his real mask after winning the match. He was an antagonist in "Mini Mercado of Doom", and then later appeared briefly in "Hot, Hot, Hot".
El Abarratero is an overweight bald male with gray eyebrows and mustache and hairy arms. He currently wears a short-sleeved pale blue button down shirt, blue pants, a red bow tie, a white apron, and black shoes. He also has a yellow name tag with his initials pinned to his clothing.
In his younger days, he was slimmer with a black mustache. His mask was mostly green, with a white middle section and a bar code above his eyes. His costume consisted of a white apron with a large blue A in the center front, tights in the same shade of green as his mask, and dark blue boots.
Though Rikochet's grandfather Estrella Del Fuego unmasked him at the end of their match decades ago, he won his re-match with him (only because Estrella Del Fuego let him win) and got his mask back.
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Signature Moves[]
- Icebox of Calamity
- Shopping Cart of Superiority
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