¡Mucha Lucha! Wiki

Dragonfly is a dragonfly-themed masked wrestler who attends the Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha. She was a supporting character in the episode, "The Spider and the Flea as part of the "Los Insectos" team and a minor character for the rest of the ¡Mucha Lucha! series.


Dragonfly is a tall, slender girl with brown skin and bright red hair. She is, perhaps, the tallest female student in the school. Her mask is red and bug-themed, with her eyes hidden behind a rectangular mesh area. She wears a long-sleeved crop top and mini skirt that are both red with orange and yellow jagged areas at the edges. At the back of her costume are two pairs of translucent blue-gray wings. She also appears to have short red and white boots.


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Signature Moves[]

  • Dragonfly Headlock[1]
  • Slam Slash with El Loco Mosquito and The Flea[1]
  • Mentor Mega-morph with El Loco Mosquito and The Flea[1]



Click here to view the gallery for Dragonfly.
Click here to visit Dragonfly's Gallery!


ve Characters
The Three Mascaritas
RikochetBuena GirlThe Flea
The Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha Students
Botas Del FuegoCaballero de AceroCindy SlamCoco DementoDouble Ninja NinjaDragonflyEl GundamoEl Haystack GrandeEl Loco MosquitoEl Oscuro InvasorEl PacificoEl PerritoElectricityEnsalada De FrutasFrancisco of the ForestFrench TwistLa FlamencitaLa MuñecaLa PiñataMariposaMegawattMinotoroPenny PlutoniumPierre Del FuegoPotato Patata Jr.Private ReinhardtProtozoaSnow PeaSonic SumoTibor the TerribleTic Tac ToeZebrita TwinsZero Kelvin
School Faculties
El CustodioEl Dolor De KurtzEl FundadorHeadmistressSr. HasbeenaSr. Midcarda
Supporting Characters
AbuelitoLonestarMama ManiacaMasked DogEl ReyMr. FleaMrs. FleaPulgitaBuena DadBuena Mom
Hairy Knuckles Wrestling Academy Students
Carlton Cold JonesPrimadonna HodgesHeavy TrafficHam Hands
Big DogBlue Demon Jr.Captain AhabEl AbarrateroEl Evil Cheese GrandeEl Evil Dentista of DoomEl FantasmoEl GuapoEl MaléficoEl ParedEl PorcinoEl Silver Mask Jr.El Toro AmarilloFrancisco of the Forest's FatherFrench Twist's FatherHeavyweightHijo GitanoHot Chocolate and MarshmallowHula HattieIglocaKid UpandcomingKid Wombat Jr.Lady LegumeLi'l Bling BlingLos Justice EnforcersLos Rudos ImpeludoLos SerpentineMaya ModernaPerro SalvajePotato Patata Sr.RatmanRey DinamicoRick O' SheaRudo ClausSanto ClausShoeshine ManSr. StinkyThe Real El ReyViking Jim
Comic-Exclusive Characters
Ultimo BandidoRicky RuletaGo-Get-Em' GirlsTabúEl Demonio RojoSuper AsnoHector Morales GarciaManifestoAtlantisEmojitoProfessor Jimmy Edwards