Captain Ahab is a nautical-themed luchador. He appeared briefly in "Mask Mitzvah" and "Will the Real El Rey Please Stand Up?" He also made a cameo in The Return of El Maléfico.
Captain Ahab is a muscular male with light skin and a pointed, gray beard. His mask is blue with teardrop-shaped eye holes. The red areas of his mask are fish-shaped and outlined in white. He appears to have eyebrows that curl at the ends. On top of the mask, he wears a white peaked cap with an anchor insignia in the front. He appears to wear a blue tank top with a yellow anchor graphic, red briefs, and a tall, red boot on his right leg. His left leg is mostly amputated and replaced with a pegleg.
In "Mask Mitzvah", he was one of the six luchadores that Rikochet needed to face during the mitzvah celebration. He and the others wrestle him offscreen.
He made the appearance again in "Will the Real El Rey Please Stand Up?" where he wrestled The Real El Rey inside Lucha Dome. He was pinned by The Real El Rey, and he wins the match, while he was down.
In "The Return of El Maléfico", he was one of the luchadores who was going to participate in "The Ultimate Worldwide Luchathon" at Las Vegas. However, El Maléfico showed up to defeat every luchador in the ring. He was knocked out as other luchadores weren't able to defeat him. When El Maléfico uses The Code of Masked Wrestling, he seals Captain Ahab's soul to the book along with other luchadores.
Later, he and the other luchadores' soul were set free from The Code of Masked Wrestling by Rikochet. He and the others watched as they celebrate his honor of saving the world. They've also watched Buena Girl sealing Jenny Perkins and Slurf back into The Code of Masked Wrestling and Abuelito's arrival with students from The Foremost World-Renowned International School of Lucha.
Click here to visit Captain Ahab's Gallery!
- In the character sheet, Captain Ahab was originally supposed to show his signature move, where he would've transformed into a giant white whale during the match.